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HP Canada - Extremely BAD Customer Service - They Do NOT Honour Recalls!! Pls Read Before Considering A Purchase From HP‏

By 2jk19

I am a university student - I am in the field of education and my program in teachers college requires a laptop for software, lectures, etc.

ANYWAYS being a student, I can’t afford a lot so I did my best to find a good laptop. I ended up going with HP. I bought it brand new from Best Buy for just over $1200. I loved the laptop and it got things done. To date, I have had it for 2 years and 2 months. I purchased extended warranty through best buy (2 years) so at this point, it is no longer covered. What do you know? I start experiencing problems! The wireless internet (WLAN) stopped working - so I cannot use the internet on my laptop wirelessly which defeats its purpose to me as a university student! I tried bringing it to places to get fixed - spent just over $100 and I began getting frustrated. I decided to check the HP website for any suggestions. I see that my laptop model has been recalled for the exact symptom that I was experiencing. When I bought the laptop, I registered it online with HP, SO they have access to my address as well as my email. Did I receive any contact from them letting me know that my laptop has been recalled?? NO! But being such a big company that they are, I assumed that they would honour my request to fix the problem, afterall, it is a RECALL! Well, to my surprise, this was not the case at all. I spoke with 3 people at HP customer service (2 managers and one rep.). Only 1 person was friendly! ANYWAYS, they refused to fix my laptop because it was 2 months over the warranty but my argument was that it was a recall and I was never notified and a recall is a recall! Things on recall need to be fixed or replaced, regardless of when the consumer purchased it. Instead they told me that I would have to pay $399 plus taxes to have it fixed!! WOW! I just spent $1200 just over 2 years ago and now they want over $400 for a problem that they are aware of!! I could buy a new laptop for $400!! They were not helpful at all. I felt so helpless and I could not afford that service fee, especially after I already spent $100 getting it looked at, only to discover it was recalled! AHHH! So I either scrap it and be left without a laptop or pay their ridicious price! I decided to file a complaint with my local BBB (Better Business Bureau) - but HP rebuttled and refused to fix it :(

I am not left without a laptop because I cannot afford a new one. My marks are suffering as a result and it makes things really difficult to get done - my program is technology based!! Thanks a lot HP!

**I have had many HP products before (a desktop computer and printers) and never had any problems.

**It is not the products that I am complaining about here - I know lots of well known companies have recalls on products, it is the customer service that is a huge concern for me!

Buyer beware!


Sears Home Store Canada - Deceitful Practice-Bad Customer Service‏

By Tanya

My husband and I went to the Sears home store in Ottawa as we are going to be purchasing a house within the next couple of months and buying things here and there. We had picked out a number of items and saw that there was a sale in the store and decided we were going to purchase 3 of the items we had on our list.

One of the items we were looking at was a cream chaise lounge. We had been in the same store a couple of months ago and were looking at getting a custom made one as the couch we wanted to purchase was red. The price (not on-sale) was $699 with the additional cost of re-upholstering it to a different colour based on what we chose. Needless to say we were very disappointed when we got into the store and the sale price on the chaise was $200 more than it previously was. Not only was that disheartening, the sales representative was one of the worst sales people I have ever dealt with.

We had already priced the chaise lounge out and we had let her know we were already in the store and the sales rep. we were dealing with showed us the swatches of other colours etc. we could have it changed to for an additional cost. We obviously knew what price it used to be and that the sale price was $200 more than the original price??. She informed us that a new style of the couch had come out in another store which brought the price up (basically the same couch in one of the other materials we could have gotten it upholstered in). She also very abruptly let us know that we could go elsewhere to try and find the same thing.

I am a small business owner and I know how the retail industry works. I did not appreciate someone talking to either myself or my husband as though we are idiots. You bought the couch in a different colour from your supplier and it brought the price up, we all know that is not true.

There was also another lounge we were looking at which was almost $250 more expensive on sale as well. Not only is this practice illegal they have not returned my phone calls or emails and it has been about 8 months.

Sears sucks and obviously does not care about their customers.


Canadian Baby Photographers‏-NOT Picture Perfect

By Candace

I had them come and take pics in my home in November so I could have Christmas photos to give out. The photographer came took the pics which I thought would be good. 2 weeks went by I had heard nothing so I called them and booked a viewing. The sales rep never showed. I called again they apologized and booked another appt. Again they never showed! I called back several more times to see what was going on. they never answered or returned my calls. I even emailed and got nothing!!!! Now just a week ago ( Jan.28) they called me to tell me my pics where ready to veiw online. So I freaked out on the lady and told her how I felt. She said she didn’t know anything but would call back in a few days to give me the passcode to view my pics! She called back today gave me the code. I just viewed them and the pics are horrible!!!!! My daughter isn’t even looking at the camera in half of them! She looks like shes about to fall on her face and you can see half of my living room in the photos!!!! On top of it they told me I would receive one free photo and a calender and when I asked if I would get one she told me no!!! I strongly dislike this company. I don’t recommend them to anyone!! If you live in Alberta I strongly recommend Alberta baby & children’s photography! The photographer was awesome. We had him do my daughters 3 months photo’s. It was about $200 but I got 20 poses and a leather portfolio frame that held 8 poses and the pics where awesome! He did everything to make my daughter smile and was sooo great with her!! His name is Don and he owns the company, takes the photos, answers his own phone and even comes to drop off your photos!!


Poor Customer Service at Real Canadian Superstore

By Rob

Not too long ago,I approached the manager of Clareview superstore.I
wanted to point out that no name sour cream was priced cheaper in the
smaller container than the larger container.Right away i got the
fealing of being dismissed as a hassle rather than a helpfull
customer.Rod ..the manager told me the wharehouse may have excess
small containers.This didnt make sense to me as dairy products are
returned for credit.Rod totally brushed me off.His assistant manager
Rick was standing with him at the time.As I walked away.Rod said under
his breath.”brush your teeth”I heard him and asked him “What did you
say?I heard that”(I take anti depresants of wich a side affect is bad
breath)I am very concious of this so i pay extra attention to my oral
hygene.After confronting Rod.He went on a tirade about me intimidating
his employees and went on to say “I was banned from his store”I
remarked “I have a prescription at this pharmacy i would have to wait
another half hour for”I procee ded to the pharmacy and sat in a chair
waiting for my perscription.After I got it I went to go pay for the
items i had.On my way to the till rod and rick were in a spot standing
wich I had to walk past.Rod stopped me and said”he had gotten me
confused with another person who was intimidating his staff.”Going on
to say I was not banned from the store.And he was sorry for the
misunderstanding(never appologising for the brush your teeth
comment)On my very next trip to the same store…I was packing my
groceries when I heard a loud commotion with someone screaming “lets
go nigger”I told the cashier To take my money and groceries and put
them aside as I went to go help with the altercation taking
place.Outside the store fron doors was a group of rather small
security guards and Rod with his arms folded trying to get a native
gang member(the native fella proclaimed this)to exit the property.I am
larger 6 foot 2 250 pounds.I assesed the situation and determined i
should intervene.I approached the native fella when he said to me”What
are you going to be the hero?”I told him “Maybe there was somthing I
could do to help him?”And “whatever it was “I assured him “IT wasnt
worth it”The native fella started to leave and I noted the security
and Rod started back into the store.After I was sure the fella was
definatly leaving.I went back to my cashier where she had taken my
money and left the change and reciept nicely on my grocery bag.and
taken the time to move them to the side so she could help other
customers.As I left the store…Rod was standing between the double
doors of the exit.I commented to him”You never know when someone who
dosnt brush thier teeth is going to save you”His reply….A Howie
Mandel hand bump.Not even a thank you…….As far as
babysiting…Most 13 year old babysitters would be more helpfull and
diplomatic than the manager of this store.And as the sign says at the
customer service wall.”IT starts with me,Rod.Store manager”I wont even
get into the employees who have treated me as if My presence as a
shopper was painfull to deal with.However one particular employee does
come to mind.This employee also worked at the self check out line.It
is a shame that the almighty dollar is such a priority that staff are
asked to do so much more than the wage they are paid is worth.That
they become resentfull of the customer.And the customer is tested to
see how far they can be pushed to accept marginal quallity of products
and service.I will be searching for my local farmers this summer to
give him my business for meat and vegatables.And look forward to the
country welcome and service I know I will recieve.   


Hair Found in KFC Canada Chicken

I had a slight craving for fried chicken today–I really just wanted
that delicious, salty and crispy skin that should be sold by the
bucket if you ask me, but I digress–so against my better judgment I
decided to get KFC. The first time I ate there I found a twirly black
hair on my chicken. Of course that doesn’t automatically mean it was a
pube but needless to say I decided to play it safe and chucked the
rest of the meal.

I told my sister about this incident because she likes to eat there a
lot. She said she’s never noticed any hair in her food before. So I
figured it could have been an isolated incident but still avoided that
location. Yet today, I found myself parked in their drive-thru
ordering a 3 piece meal with potato salad and a pepsi. As I was
slamming the last thigh into my greedy pie-hole something caught my
eye. So I stopped mid-chomp and my eyes focused onto an eyelash sized
hair fried right onto the piece I was about to eat. It’s amazing I
even noticed it. Now I’m not very squeamish about hairs in my food but
I have suspicions about that place’s hygiene. Twice in a row is hard
to pass off as coincidence in my book.

I won’t be going there again and I’ll tell my sister to do boycott
that location as well.



Dead Budgie Bird not replaced at PetSmart Canada

by Anon

My next door neighbour recently purchased a budgie from Petsmart on Laird ave. The bird died on Saturday. She phoned the store and was told of a 14 day policy. It was a baby, and the girl who served us did not know a thing about birds. We were hoping they would replace it but no, they have a 14 day policy on animals sold from them. I will never shop there again, nor will  my three sisters. Between us  (children’s pets included) we have 11 dogs, four cats and three gerbils. They have lost us as customers, We will  all shop at The Menagerie on Parliament  Street from now on. Shame on you PetSmart. You turned your back on a 10 year old boy who lost his pet in less than a month.


Great service at East Side Mario’s Restaurant Canada

by bridarpet

Had a food issue at the Saint John, N.B. East Side Marios due to home delivery.  Sent an email and right away I received contact from Head Office and the local owner of the restaurant.

Peter Gormley, the owner was very efficient, professional and settled my concern way beyond my wildest imagination.

I would recommend this restaurant to anyone as the service and food in the restaurant is the absolute best.  The issue with the home delivery was a minor one but it was dealt with quickly and professionally.

They are the best.


Great Customer Service at Future Shop and Staples Canada

by Norton Fan

Future Shop had Norton Internet Security 2010 advertised for 44.99$. Thinking this was a good price; my dad went ahead and bought it. The next day the Staples flyer came out with the same product advertised for 29.98$. I went along with him to Future shop to return the product and purchase it instead at Staples. The stores are right beside each so I thought I should go to Staples first and see if NIS had been sold out or still available. It was sold out and wouldn’t be available for 4 weeks. The customer rep was super friendly and apologized. She said that there had been a problem with the order and that I can pre-purchase it and when it arrives I will be called. Great! I tell her I will be back in 10 minutes after making a return at FS. The customer service rep at FS was equally friendly and offered to price match and beat the difference by 10%. I told her that Staples didn’t have it in stock (seems to be the requirement sometimes). She said it wasn’t a problem and gave it at a cheaper price than Staples.She didnt call Staples or ask for a flyer. I ended up getting back 17.xx$. Overall a great experience at both stores.


Walmart Canada Oil Change: Forgot to put oil and engine blew up

by bells

I have been going to walmart for an oil change and the last time I did get the oil change they forgot to put my oil in it …so my engine blew up and it cost me over $2600 for a simple oil change … since then I never did go back to get an oil change … I called headoffice and they didnt care they gave me the insurance company and they told me to see them in court… never would I recommend going to get an oil change from walmart


Walmart Canada Oil Change

Superstore Edmonton Clareview: “This isn’t my job to babysit you people”

by Max

My daughter and I have been loyal customers of Superstore for year and used to really enjoy shopping there.

We were standing in the self check out line when a lady with a cart on the otherside formed her own line, I asked the Superstore worker who was standing there if there were 2 lines or 1, she snapped back at me that theres just one line, by this time the lady who formed her own line had gone to the check out stand and proceeded scanning her groceries, I told the superstore clerk that that lady had gone in front because she thought there was a line on the other side, the line I was in was about 20 people and we had waited 10 min at this point, I wasnt rude and I didnt raise my voice at all, the clerk then walked up to the lady pointed back to me and said, that lady wants you to take your groceries and go to the back of the line because you  budded infront of her, and then said, yeah shes one of those. I was appalled, I didnt know what to say, the clerk then came back to her area which is were I was standing and said to me, there happy now, you should be able to do things yourself, this isnt my job to babysit you people, then she turned around and started muttering about how I should have just told the lady myself and not stop her from doing her job, so I said excuse me, and she turned and looked at me but didnt say anything, then I said excuse me again and she started yelling at me about how this is not her job, I was shocked and my 11 year old daughter was frightened by this behavior. I went to customer service right away and got a Manager a pointed out who she was and told him what happened, I was very upset by this point and could hardly speak, his only concern was were my daughter was because as he told me, children get lost all the time in here. I know 1 or 2 people dont reflect the whole company but lets face it, you are a Manager in charge of making sure your customers are safe and not attacked.


Horrible Customer Service at Real Canadian Superstore RCSS on Sargent in Winnipeg

by KathyN

I’ve never had trouble using printed coupons before until today…

The cashier called over to customer service, and this young man comes over and starts staying they cannot accept “PHOTOCOPY”, and when I said I got it off of their website, he says “Well then, you have to talk to them”.

Inside I was thinking, what have happened to “The customer is always right”?!?  He was rude and judgemental in accusing me of photocopying a coupon!

He could have simply said that they cannot accept the coupon…  And apparently RCSS doesn’t even accept cheques anymore — and companies like Ensure mail out cheques.  Soon we’ll have to take our business elsewhere!


Shoppers Drug Mart Kingston Charging for Free Mascara

by Laurie1976

Recently went to a Shopper’s Drug Mart in Kingston and purchased a mascara that I thought was on sale for $6.99.  I decided it would be a better deal to get the “buy one get one free” mascara.

I got home and noticed that I had been charged $11.89 for the package of mascara.  When I called the cosmetics department they said that the sale price did not apply to the buy one get one mascara (same brand, same product).

I returned to the store and talked with a manager and explained that they could not do this!  Essentially they were charging me nearly $5.00 extra for a mascara that was supposed to be free!  He agreed and told me to tell the individual at the cash that I could have the item for $6.99.

I told the cashier that the manager (gave his name) said that I could have the item for $6.99 and that I had been charged the wrong price.  The idiot cashier proceeded to call someone over the loud speaker to come to the front.  Once this employee arrived she told him to go and check the price.  I told her that I had already told her the price and that she was wasting my time.

The employee returned and said “11.89.”  She then turned to me and said “It’s 11.89.”  I was getting angry at this point and told her that I had told her it was $6.99 and that I wanted the manager.  He came over and told her the price was $6.99 and she finally, after much exhaustion and time-wasting, let me have it for the correct price.

However, I noticed that several other people must have fallen for this and paid full price, as nearly all of the double “bogo” mascara’s were gone.  Looks like Shopper’s made a profit off of selling free mascara.


Sears Canada Wedding Gift Registry: GIft Box a Joke

by Betty

Went on line to check a gift registry for a wedding.  Bought gift.  They asked did I want it in a gift box.  Well ya… if Im going to send it directly to the bride.

In the end I decided to deliver the gift myself.

The so called gift box was just any old carboard box they found . With sears lables of info all over it.

When asking them to explain themselves.  All sears products are delivered in plastic bags. We found you a box for 5 bucks.  I could do that for nothing. I still have to spend money now to wrap it. False advertising I said.


Sears Canada Extended Warranty is Awful

by aRegulahGuy

We moved last year and bought 3 large appliances from Sears to upgrade the house - about $5000.  We bought extended waranties on all appliances.  We called them in to see the LG dishwasher that was making a noice.  They came in and said it needed a part. One week later they repaired it and left. The next time the dishwasher ran it flooded!  That was 8 days ago. We still have not got anyone in from Sears.  Phone calls take 45 minutes to speak to someone.  The repairman did show up once unanannounced - we were not home - it was not scheduled.  He left a note.  We called back (45 minute wait) and now they say it will be a one week wait until someone comes.  Has Sears heard of a phone to call? Do not buy an extended waranty from Sears. Take you chances and support the local repair guy who will book an appointment and be at your house within 48 hours!


Weedman Canada: Lawn in worst condition ever

by Steve N.

This was my first experience with Weed Man, fortunately it will be my last.  In order to get my business they made a bold statement saying that they could care for my lawn better then I could.  After calling them several times to deal with the increase in weeds, they came and applied another control chemical.  This did not work, I called several more times and could not getting anything done about the problem.  After having an employee ring the door bell wondering if Weedman could be employed to help with my weed infestation I indicated to him that they currently were.  He was shocked and filled out a form for them to drop by and manually pull the weeds.  This never happened, they kept delaying until cooler weather when they could apply chemical.  My lawn has been in the worst condition it  has ever been in and I will NEVER use weedman again.