By Upset
I purchased a CAST IRON Urn/planter, for planting flowers, or small shrubs, at Canadian Tire in August 2009. I purchased the iron planter as opposed to plastic, because of the durability of cast iron. Of course the cost of a cast iron planter was probably 5 to 6 times greater than a plastic one which fades, cracks and deteriorates in sunlight.
We had the planter out from Aug 2009 until we stored it in our shed in Dec 2009. When we took it out of storage on April 9th, 2010, the planter had a round 2.5cm (1 inch) hole in the side of the casting. It was also cracked 3/4 of the way around the base. This is not a 6 inch planter, it is 74cm/29 inches high and weighs more than 23kg/50 pounds. When one buys such a lasting garden decoration, one does not keep the receipt, because one expects it to last more than 4 months. I immediately got assistance to load the planter on my truck, and went to Canadian Tire in Port Hawkesbury NS,, where I’d purchased it. the Customer Service lady seemed to think it strange that I had no receipt. She would not agree that an Iron Planter should last longer than 4 months of use. I never complained when she denied my request (after phoning her supervisor) for an exchange or refund. What upset me the most was the feeling of being ridiculed because I had the audacity to try to return the object.
I hadn’t even taken 2 steps away from the counter when she started commenting to another customer about people who didn’t have receipts. I was almost tempted to tell the customer to mind his own business. Her idle chatting could have caused quite a stir, had I not kept my composure and ignored her comments. It did ruin my evening, as I still sit here fuming over her ignorance. I never ridiculed her, so why should she ridicule me because I didn’t have a receipt. Does Canadian Tire now find it good business practice, and socially acceptable for their Customer Service Clerks to look down on paying customers?