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Thumbs Up for Red Bomb Fireworks Selkirk

By  Johnathan Olson

Had a great shopping experience at my local fireworks store!

I visit quite regularly and the staff always seem to have something new to show me and surprise me with. I even get free items every time I go.

The girl at the front desk was polite and made sure I got the best “bang for my buck” so to speak. Better deals than gas station fireworks.

The store is clean, bright, and very colorful. I know they offer a lot of services, but I’ll have to get some literature next time I’m there!


Great Service at London Drugs Calgary

By Shellb

Fantastic customer service last coupon day. I was given pointers as I am a newbie and the CSR telling me to save French version coupons or that they honor price matching for some stores outside the city like No Frills. She was so helpful and and this locations is not the closest by maybe 10 minutes but for awesome customer service like that I have been telling everyone. All associates were great and the store manager even made a call on an item that was sold out that I had a coupon for to see when the next shipment would be in. WOW! WAY TO GO LONDON DRUGS!


TVO’s Independent Learning Center, Appeal Process?â€

By Jodi Stewart

Last June my older daughters enrolled in the ILC run by TVO and funded by the Ministry of Education. They did it as a trial run, just to see if they liked the program and if it would work for our high school years. Daughter 1 enrolled in grade 9 geography, daughter 2 in grade 9 art. Each course had 4 units to be completed and submitted for marking by an ILC teacher.

Things were going well, work was submitted, corrected and sent back. All went swimmingly until daughter 2 submitted her second unit. It came back with a 72%. Decent mark, but the comments from the teacher made me pause. The teacher had scrawled notes all over Daughter’s work with references to Lesson 16. Notes, charts, diagrams, all with the message that the teacher docked marks because Daughter didn’t use the Art Criticism technique taught in Lesson 16. That makes sense right? Except that Lesson 16 is in Unit 4. The teacher was marking Unit 2.

Honest mistake I thought. But no problem, the ILC has an appeal process, we’ll just send it back with a note clarifying that Daughter hadn’t reviewed Unit 4. We submitted it, and waited. I waited two weeks, not hearing anything about the appeal process and finally emailed. No response. I then called. The receptionists and learner service operators had no answers. Finally after 3 weeks of calling, I got transferred to the manager in charge of appeals. Manager told me she’d have some answers the following day. The following day, there were no answers. A week later Manager still had no answers, someone was going to talk to the teacher.

Finally, I started tweeting about it. I made sure it went to the attention of @tvo. After 2 or 3 days of tweeting my frustration at not being able to even get someone talk to me on the phone, TVO twitter guy got something done. Manager called me. She actually took the time to explain the appeal process, guaranteed me that she would look over the work when the teacher had submitted it. Great. Finally someone had listened.

Well, that’s what I thought. Yesterday I talked to Manager. Great news, they had it all sorted out. The teacher had just made a slight error. She had meant to refer Daughter to Question 16, not Lesson 16. Ohhhh… Except Question 16 is about Ancient Mesopotamia, not Art Criticism.

It appears to me that Teacher not only made a mistake, she lied to cover it. Manager and I both had a copy of Unit 2 in front of us. Manager and I both saw that Question 16 was about Ancient Mesopotamia. Of course the ILC saw that there was a problem with the mark now, right?

Wrong. No kidding. Be flabbergasted. I am. Apparently, despite the notes about Art Criticism scrawled all over Daughter’s work, the Art Criticism technique is now not an issue for them and didn’t affect Daughter’s mark. (Huh?)

So that’s where we stand. I’m still waiting for the principal’s call that was promised to come yesterday afternoon.


Terminated from RCSS Without Reason

By Unfairly company and bullshit

Wow so I just recently hired in there a month ago, then everything goes smoothly…A few minor mistakes that is not a big deal. My supervisor called me yesterday basically saying she’s letting me from the job. I asked her for what reason then she just said that its not in the standard something like that…with so many excuses shit like this….I asked her if she could be more specific then all she can say is not gonna work-out…I feel that the decision that have been made by supervisor and one of the store manager is likely unfair to me…I feel disappointed to what I realized cause they didn’t even discuss with me first or give me just diciplinary action if I have done something wrong because I know I never steal or made criminal action that could have been cause of the manager in there and I talked to him about it and he said that they can’t tell what is it the cause why I am terminate from the company…I mean really? I don’t have right to know why I am terminate? you just simply kick me for not giving me simply reason, all they give to me is a bunch of bullcrap, IS THIS HOW YOU TREAT YOUR EMPLOYEES without any just importance! .I am very aware of the rules, I am very aware of my job, I am very aware of law….I haven’t sleep since last night because I was thinking about what did I do wrong then I came in this morning and went to C.S hoping that I could find some answers about this, so the one of the manager was came to me and I was gonna shake hands to him and say good morning. he seems more unfriendly this time because he never want to shake hands with me he said “we already talk about this” so he walked away with me in the way out and he just said that “you may go now, the decision has been done”. I mean really…what a great manners from one of the manager in RCSS.


Do Not Buy a Bike From Zellers

By Acacia

I’m surprised there’s no one here talking about the 2 Zellers’ stores in St. John’s… I don’t get out to the Stavanger Drive one but TOPSAIL rd is just the worst.. I have a relative who works there too so- I will spare details which might have them fired…

I bought a Sportek Ridgerunner ladies mountain bike when they went on sale a couple weeks ago. For 70$ or so I knew what I was in for but I figured a brand new bike would be better than any of the second hand bikes I owned previous. Anyway, this beautiful powder blue bike got shagged the first day.. The handlebars slipped right off while I as riding it. My bf tightened them when we got home.

Next time I rode it, it was fine. Then last Thrs (March 31) we had to ride the bikes out to Mount Pearl to get medicine for my dog and the friggen handlebars broke again. We tightened it again (after by bf rode home to get his allen keys) and got out to Mount Pearl then stopped into Zellers on Topsail afterwards…. The manager snuffed me when I asked about an exchange and wouldn’t offer me anything for my inconvenience- let alone an apology for a shitty bike…

I went to look at the rest of the bikes and the lazy ass dude who assembles them to get out of floor work explained that all the bikes they sell is a flawed design. The handlebars are held with 1 screw which strips and slides out. ALL of them do it??!?!!! There were multiple kids’ bikes there. So I found a ladies Mongoose mtn bike hidden in with the kid’s bikes which was like the only bike there with a good sturdy structure and 2 well bolted screws in the handlebars. Steel frame and brakes. Anyway this Mongoose was 249.00 but when scanned it was 169.00 (last yrs stock) .. The manager refused to offer me a better deal, fine. Whatever. My relative brought me to another manager who gave me the bike for 149.00. So I paid a difference of 87$ or so… Oh, the seat which came on it was the worst design ever, intending to rape me I’m sure so my bf bought me a comfy new seat which cost an additional 25$.

My point, DO NOT go near the bikes at Zellers. Management sucks and aside from their plot to have everyone quit (bc the store is bought out by Target for 2012) by making them so redundant and shitty repetitive jobs till they quit from boredom, they make it so easy to rob the place out and is just run terribly. The employees are not told they do a good job and basically all they have is each other for occupational support… Uff.


Kenmore Oven Problems

By T

I want to add to the list of poor customer service from Sears.

Three years ago I needed new appliances for a new house. I had previously purchased appliances from Sears, so I had no problem going to them. I purchased a fridge and stove, that both arrived when they were supposed to. Shortly after a gas man was paid to hook up my stove we turned on the oven, there was a puff of smoke, then nothing. I spent three weeks calling Sears every day before I got a serviceman to come to the house. They only reason I got a service man was because I finally got in touch with the original salesman.

The serviceman informed us that our stove was not new, that it had been re-furbished for a problem with the control panel, and now this was the problem. A burned out control panel.

It took another 3 weeks to get a new stove. Sears gave me a $100 gift card to make up for 6 weeks of no oven. On a side note: a year later I went to use the card and found it had expired. I will admit that they did replace the card when I called to complain.

It has now been three years, and guess what happened last month? My control panel on my new stove burned out. It cost me $500 to repair it, as it was no longer under warranty. I had it serviced independently, then contacted Sears and Kenmore to see if there was some sort of problem with this particular oven. I got zero response from Sears.


Great Service at London Drugs

By Michelle Wagner

Hi everyone! This is my first review! I am still fairly new to the site. I was at London Drugs atTilicum Mall in Victoria BC today and was engaged in conversation with the CS. rep at Customer service regarding Coupons. She encouraged me to use more then one coupon when I inquired about the one per purchase. She also told me that I should coupon stack and that they allow it because they get reimbursed anyway! I quickly went back and got more. (Kotex - $3 WUB2) … I got 4 packs that were on sale, used 2 coupons plus got 4 free sample boxes because there was a deal when you buy a kotex product you get a sample pack free. She had no problem giving me 4 to go with my 4 boxes. It as a delightful experience!


Poor Quality Snow Blower and Service from Sears

By Alan Mackenzie

I bought a 2009 1550 30″ Sears snow blower in Oct 2009.

This machine had a 3 month return or exchange policy if not satified.

Due to lack of snow the machine was not used after the first 3months of purchose so the exchange ,return policy was void.

When snow arrived and the machine was used for the first time it was discovered that when assembled at the techs left a pulley bolt which had dropped down into the machine and istead of retreiving it replaced it with another.

The unretrieved bolt at some time during delivery jammed itself between the pully and belt mechanism which drives the auger.

This resulted in due to lack of slack in the belt the auger never disengaged and turned at all times.

Sears service department was notified and basicly an appology was given and stated a service person would be out to rectify the problem.

Other problems such as seased cables etc occured.

The main issue here is the length of time it takes to order parts and have the service man show up and repair the machine, 3-4 weeks on average.

With a pile of snow and a machine not working properly I am not a happy camper.

This will be my last service product.

PS While phoning the Sears service dept. to complain about the service the person I talked to tryed to sell me a snow blower cover and a sears master card !!!!!!!!!!!


Thumbs Up for Kirkland Brand Back Pain Meds


The boyfriend’s back was killing him, so on a recent trip to Costco I decided to have a look to see if they had any Robax Platinum for back pain. A bottle with 60 pills was $25.99 !!! I hesitated over the price, but then noticed next to it they had Kirkland brand Muscle and Back Pain Relief medication for $3.99 for a bottle of 100 pills.

I compared the medicinal ingredients in the Kirkland brand pills with the Robax ones, and they were close enough.
Brought home the $3.99 pills, and they really worked well on my boyfriends aching back.

Walmart Portrait Studio, Winnipeg

By casey1

I had an appointment this morning at the walmart portrait studio St.vital location in Wpg, to have my sons pics taken. I originally booked the appt. on tues. at that time I informed them I was just there 3 wks ago. (with DD) & I wanted the $7.99 one pose package again. Then i called wed. to see if I could change my appt. time. spoke with another girl. She too asked me who was in the pic, when I was there last & if I had anything in mind. I told her same info, 3wks, son’s pic & one pose package. Get there this morning. Before we start our session asked again, last time here, etc. this is now 3 people I told I wanted the $7.99 one pose package & I was just there with my daughter 3 weeks ago. We do the session. Ended up getting 2 pics to choose from as son was a bit unruly & some pics were blurry. I pick a pose & again mention I wasnt the one pose package for $7.99. She tells me i can’t have it. What??? Why not??? Well because I was there 3 weeks ago & had it with my daughter. I then ask her why no one mentioned this to me before the session knowing full well I told all 3 of them that I was there 3 weeks ago & I wanted the $7.99 package. She tells me they aren’t supposed to mention the package over the phone. I then say I was the one who mentioned it & why she never said anything when I told her to her face before the session. She then says I have to pay $10 per sheet. I ask to speak to the manager & she informs me shes the manager & that only one $7.99 package per flyer. I ask her if there is anything she as the manager can do for me as I drove in from out of town, obviously put my son thru an ordeal & informed 3 people of what i wanted & when i was there last. She tells me “no, the computer won’t let me do it” “it’s a new system” unreal. I say this is B.S. & ask for HO #. I call HO explain the situation & get put on hold. CS called the store & the manager tells CS she was going to give me the $7.99 deal but i was irate & she will not do so. WHAT??? Why would I get irate if she was going to give it to me. What a bold face liar. The situation is being handed off to the district manager. If I was informed of the 30 day thing I could have easily waited another week. I even asked her if she could hold the pics for another week & she said “yes, but at $10 per sheet” I can’t believe the poor service & the total lie. If I wanted to pay $50 for a few sheets of pics I’d go somewhere where the quality is much better. The manager’s name is Patty or something close to that.


Canadian Tire Service Department

By Anne

I have also had trouble with the service department at Canadian Tire, my car wasn’t working (it was still on the driveway) so I called tow it to the Richmond Hill Store for repairs. After paying $600 Plus for repairs, I went out to start the car and found it still didn’t even turn over let alone start. I went to the service manager and complained he sent a mechanic????? to start the car. After several minutes it started, I asked if it would start again without trouble as I had other errands to run with my young son. He laughed and said “we can only hope so”. I went home without running my errands as I didn’t trust the car to start again. My husband was furious and we demanded and GOT all of our money back, but C.T. still thought it was a joke-well the joke is on them as we tell everyone that we know never to take their cars there.


Rude Behaviour at Canadian Tire

By Winsome Phillips

On March 17th, 2011 my sister and I visited the store at Rylander Blvd in Toronto at approximately 5.30p.m. She had taken in her SUV lexus for repair, and was treated with such desrespect by some of the employees. There was a young man who was assisting another customer, so another indian young man came to the counter and I asked him if he could help he said it’s not his area, I jokingly said I will train you and he responded very politely, the one who was helping the customer into a loud outburst, telling him to go back over get away from here. My sister, my husband and I told him he shouldn’t speak to the staff like that, his respond to us very rude telling us to shut up he wasn’t tallking to us, we insisted he was rude at the same time another one came from the shop and asked what was the matter, we asked to speak to a manager, but he insisted on finding out what was the matter he said we won’t be speaking with one but we should get out of his shop. We went to the same young man who was insulted earlier to ask for a manager, but another young man (white) came and ask what was wrong and begin to take us to who was suppose to be manager, at the same time the one from back came through the shop shouting that he should not talk to us but that we should leave the shop immediately. The young man push him through the door where he was working and tell him to be quiet and he shouldn’t be speaking like that. The supposedly manager who was on duty was sitting in his office throughout all this so when we approach him he just listened and responded that he didn’t hear anything the only person he heard was me. I then realize that Canadian Tire has no leadership and that it was individually owned by these two black men and this so called manager Mike. I asked him for the number of a manager he gave me the name of a lady who I could speak with the following morning. We left without the vehicle being looked at. My sister had an encounter with Mike before when she took her maxina there for repair and a peice of tool was left in car engine accidentally, when she took the car back and voiced her dissatisfaction that same Mike again was very rude asked her if she ever owned a new car before. I have being a regular customer at that location along with all my other sisters, but will never go back there. I honestly thought Canadian Tire has it all together never knew it was privately run by these undesirablles. Shame on Canadian Tire to have such staff respresenting your company, a small shop would not have their staff speak to a customer like that. If  you so desire I will submit to you our names and vehicle to see how many times we have been there and even send customers there.


Home Depot Aurora, Ontario

By Lyn

I usually shop at Home Depot in Aurora Ontario, I don’t know what’s happened to the store of late as the service is appalling, some departments have no sales help at all, my husband and I went to buy new windows and doors(no cheap orders by far) on Saturday and there was no one available to help. We asked at the service desk and was told that management had changed all the hours to nearly nothing and there was no one scheduled at all that day. We asked a man in hardware for help but he was obviously on his own and couldn’t help as he was snowed under with other people waiting for him. I heard from other employees that so many staff have left because of the appalling manager. Well I called head office and was passed over to head office in Atlanta, they took my complaint but nothing came of it. So I guess I have to shop at Lowes. How a store can go from being the greatest to this is unbelievable. The staff were always so helpful and friendly and now I don’t know. Maybe a change of management is in order SOON.


Poor Support From Tiger Direct

By Matt

About three months ago I bought a printer from Tiger Direct in Mississauga. Today I went looking for a replacement toner cartridge in their Burlington store, but their stock for this printer brand is very limited; in fact, they do not carry toner for the printers they currently sell in the store.

I asked a store rep about it, and he said that they must be out of stock. I pointed out that there were no open spaces on the shelves or labels for the cartridge I need, and he said that they probably moved everything around so that there were no spaces. I asked when they might be getting cartridges in, and he said there was no way to know.

I run a small business and I can’t run it without a printer. I found the cartridge at Staples — Tiger Direct has lost my business today, and has lost my trust in them for the future.


Walmart Coupon Redemption

By Gramps

Wal-Mart is hit and miss with coupon use. Sometimes they take them (1 per item perchased) & the next time they will make you pay for each item separately. Watch is you try this with your credit card - muliple transactions like that in one locaiton may set off a security alert & your card will be ‘hot carded’. Thanks WM

I am not sure of why they act this way about coupons - may they will shape up when Target arrives!