by SmartShopper
London Drugs in Richmond BC, Granville and # 3 Road.
Today I went to buy vitamins because they were on sale. I saw a “special” posted on the shelf which said buy 3 bottles and you will earn a $10 LD gift card. Good job, LD is doing their best to draw in customers. Little does their headquarters know their cashiers are driving their customers away on the other end. How? When I went to pay, I asked if I may immediately use the gift card towards more merchandise I wanted to buy today. ”No” said the teenager, without further explaining why. I asked again, “No”. That’s all. What a stupid answer. Then it turned out the 3 bottles I selected were the wrong combination and the total was more than I expected. So I said: “I will go back to the pharmacy dept and select the right combo.” The teenager rung up the customer behind me and put a “Stop” sign for her checkout line. I thought maybe she was rude and unhelpful because she was in a hurry to clock out.
After I corrected my vitamin selection, I made sure I went to a different cashier. This time an older woman. Same answer “no, you cannot use the card now”. ”Why? I have other purchases today. When is the earliest I can use the $10 gift card?” ”The card will be activated tomorrow. But you have up to a year to use it.” ”Oh, now I see”. Her explanation tone was not very friendly either but at least I squeezed that extra little bit of info out of her.
I am an educated & confident person and stood up for myself by asking questions. Can you imagine someone with weaker command of English, or older seniors who are easily confused or embarrased?
LD cashiers must learn that their jobs (ie paycheck & livelihood) hinges on helpful customer service. Customers are not always right but *you* are here to help them. When customers stop coming to LD, your store will close and you will be laidoff!
I will tell all my friends and families about the poor customer service and bad attitudes of these cashiers. I hope their customer service karmas catch up with them. I hope they & their families receive bad service themselves so they know what it feels to be on the receiving end. When LD starts using self-service checkouts in LD, you will learn your lessons. Too late!!