Purchased a DVD from HMV That Had Been Opened

By Bill

I recently exchanged a defective DVD, and when I got home and pulled off the sleeve, I could see right away the product had been opened. Upon further inspection, I could see prints all over the book inside and the disc was very well used. It had several scratches and scuffs and many minor dents on the playing surface and dusty. So in exchange for a defect i got an open copy . It had an outer cardboard sleeve on the set so I missed it.when I took it off the shelf.

When I returned it the staff member at HMV Southcentre Calgary, Alberta, became agumentative with me about it. He was adamant that they don’t sell used product. Now how can that be true when I am returnig used product that I took right off the shelf?

Fact is, they did give me another copy fine, but why treat your customers this way.? I felt that he really wanted an argument(must be the companies new way of going digitaly. but I told him I’m just here to get what is entitled, new product. This was a present I had to take back twice and it will be a very long time if ever, that my wife will go out of her way to buy me another DVD. Just seeing what I had to go through just to watch the movie “Avatar”.

HMV rating 2 out 0f 10I can not find anyone to contact about this treatment and will no longer shop there.

On-line retailers are really about great customer service. I’ have had great experiences with them. The best part, no snooty record sales clerks to deal with .


4 Responses to “Purchased a DVD from HMV That Had Been Opened”

  1. 0

    thatgengirl says...

    I used to work at HMV. We would open cd’s to play in the store, and sometimes movies to watch at home rather than renting, then we would re-seal them at the store and put them back on the shelf. It was a while ago, but I’m sure other stores did the same thing and probably still do.

  2. 0

    Bill says...

    You are right, I remember before I bought anything on-line, having these sorts of problems and seeing discs that were re-wrapped. That is my #1 reason for not buying music from stores. To do this and then give attitude, shame on them.
    I only as a rule buy from on line shops, trusted retailers from Europe and China On-line shops. I have never had to put up with this treatment ever. These shops get many orders from me and they are dependable and courteous. It’s been 7+ years now and I couldn’t be happier with the service. Thank you for your reply, it’s good to know I’m not the only one who notices these things.
    Lesson learned, if the shrink wrap doesn’t look right don’t buy it an to check inside the cardboard slip cases, and to be careful to avoid these situations entirely.

  3. 0

    B.Mcphee says...

    it is so easy to reseal packages when you ahve the tools to do so.i bought many cds from HMV only to come home two hours from a city and realize they weren’t exactly “hot off the shelf”.infuriated me to the point of burning.never really cared for their snooty customer service clerks,either.one time i was trying out a wii when they first came out and a clerk actually came up to me and said “excuse me,can you not play with the wii mote? i just cleaned this station”.i was thinking…why have the demo on display with a sign that says “try me” then…

    HMV is dying anyways

  4. 0

    MusicLover says...

    Can’t believe HMV is still in business with their horrible return/refund policy and poor customer service (well, at least the one that I got).

    HMV, sorry but you just lost another customer and I’m sure I won’t be the last.

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