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Sears Canada Delivery Problems

by PC

I had a bad experience at Sears Canada.

I wanted to get myself organized and purchased a mattress bed set for my new apartment. I purchased it 2 months in advance in march so it could come in June. I received the reminder phone message 2 days in advanced that the bed was coming and to prepare to have the space ready. Well, that morning of the delivery Sears had the nerve to phone me and tell me that they couldn’t make the delivery. After lots of calls asking why when it was ordered 2 months in advanced all I got was answers that they apologize for the inconvenience the item never made the delivery truck. But, I kept on telling them 2 months in advanced that is not acceptable for a major store to have goofed up on. I ended up cancelling and went to the wonderful Sleep Country. There I paid a little more but, the delivery came through and they were nice. My end result is I am not going to purchase any major items again from Sears Canada and let everybody know about this Bad experience.


Awesome Customer Service at Lowe’s in Barrie

by Julieandsteve

My girlfriend and I went to Lowes after reading on here that the hanging baskets were b1g1. It was late Sat. night. They were sold out except for a couple rough looking ones. The girl working in flowers was able to convince the men unloading the truck with the next days shipment to let us get ours. She went above and beyond. Then another employee went and got us a cart. When we went in the store we were asked by different employees if they could help us. It was a great expereience.


Walmart Canada: Seven F*cking cents?, are you F*cking kidding me?

by cheapskate101

I was at Walmart in Newmarket, ON and I had something come up the wrong price. It was only off by about a dime, but SCOP says if it scans higher than any advertised price so i wanted it for free. She said “Seven F*#king cents?, are you F&cking kidding me” She then went to check the price and said that one bin said 1.50 and the other said 1.57 (which is what it came up for) and said that she wasnt going to give it to me and was laughing in my face. I hate this woman. She is always rude to me everytime i got there and the fact that she is a Customer Service MANAGER is insane. She puts shame on Walmart and I am disgusted at the company due to the fact that they hired someone like this. I will NEVER return to that store AGAIN!

PS. I went back to see if she was right about the two different bins beside each other and she was lying, they were both marked as 1.50, and it wasnt a mark down bin, it was that price.

Clarification by Boo Radley

SCOP stands for Scanning Code of Practice. You can read more about SCOP here.


Future Shop: Good Experience Buying Wireless Router

by bearbait

I’ve heard horror stories about Future Shop, but I’ve had good experiences there. Most recently, I went in to purchase a new wireless router. I was looking at a $120 unit but the salesperson asked me a few questions about my needs and recommended the $90 unit from the same manufacturer. He was able to explain why the more expensive unit had features my set up would not use.

Very nice experience.


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