Valid Coupon Denied at Shoppers Drug Mart

By Jssica

I had 2 coupons for $1 off sunlight dishsoap &wanted to use them today with the sale price of $0.99. The manager rejected my coupons, they were valid and for the item specified. He said he couldn’t accept them because they were for $1 off and the item was $0.99. I suggested he just alter the value of the coupon as other stores do & there would be no issue. He said “Shoppers Drug Mart does not do that” I told him that sunlight would still reimburse the store for the coupon, they’d still get their money! They stood firm, so I left the store & did not purchase anything. I wrote head office & told them of my experience today & said that I will be price-matching their flyer at stores like walmart or zellers when I need to purchase their sale items from now on!

22 Responses to “Valid Coupon Denied at Shoppers Drug Mart”

  1. 0

    Ron Simmons says...

    Maybe quit being so cheap and pay the 99 cents?

  2. 0

    MyBuddy says...

    Were you buying other things as well, or just there to get 2 free dishwashing liquids?

    Stores always have the right to refuse coupons, and neither Sunlight nor Shoppers Drug Mart head office can force them to accept one. And the manager was telling the truth; altering the accepted value (against the face value) of the coupon is fraud.

  3. 0

    Melsprag says...

    Ron Simmons, that was uncalled for. Aggressive rude behavior is not permitted on this site.
    If you don’t have anything worthy to contribute then back off.

    To Jssica, I also had that problem at on Shoppers, I tried the next one and the coupon worked.

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    Christine says...

    The same thing happened to me at my shoppers drug mart. I had a softlips coupon for $2.00 and they were on sale for $1.99. The cashier would not honor my coupon.

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    jssica says...

    Ron Simmons, if that is your attitude what are you even doing on this site? This site is designed for canadians to share ways to save money especially in tough economic times. I use coupons to save $ then make a yearly DONATION of my savings to SICK CHILDRENS HOSPITAL FOUNDATION. Hope you are proud of your comment now.

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    Kendaall says...

    I had the same thing happen yesterday with colgate toothbrush coupons. They were .99 and my coupon was for $1. They wouldn’t accept it.

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    kerry says...

    You learn over time what stores are strict and what cashiers to go to…

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    julian says...

    I don’t understand why some of you are so upset over Ron Simmon’s comment. He just called her cheap. In his perspective refusing to pay 99cents is considered cheap, actually if you were to survey the general public I’m sure most of them would agree with him. Your comments against him were just as rude so I think that instead of being so defensive at these so called “rude” and “aggressive” comments, just ignore them? Jssica, that’s great you make donations but really you do not need to justify anything to anyone, so you should calm down and not take so much offense over the comments.

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    Melsprag says...

    I guess I misunderstood that being called “cheap” was a term of endearment.

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    MyBuddy says...

    @jssica - it is very noble of you to make donations to SICK CHILDRENS HOSPITAL FOUNDATION, especially since you need to rely on coupon savings to afford the donations.

    I applaud your generosity and compassion, and for the cynical haters - I do not doubt for a second that she actually does track the money she saved using coupons and donates all of it to the hospital. It would be exceptionally despicable and repulsive for a person to lie about something like that - just to make someone else feel guilty. I can’t imagine the worthless loser human beings surrounding said person, because we are all old enough to know that you reap what you sow - a selfish liar who would exploit a CHILDREN’S charity to manipulate another person on the internet isn’t going to attract (or deserve) worthwhile people in their own lives. I certainly wouldn’t respect anyone who would do that.

    Again, I applaud your kindness and generosity, and hope Shoppers (and the hospital) read this to know what kind of a person you really are.

  11. 0

    MyBuddy says...

    @jssica - it is very noble of you to make donations to SICK CHILDRENS HOSPITAL FOUNDATION, especially since you need to rely on coupon savings to afford the donations.

    I applaud your generosity and compassion, and for the cynical haters - I do not doubt for a second that she actually does track the money she saved using coupons and donates all of it to the hospital. It would be exceptionally despicable and repulsive for a person to lie about something like that - just to make someone else feel guilty. I can’t imagine the worthless loser human beings surrounding said person, because we are all old enough to know that you reap what you sow - a selfish liar who would exploit a CHILDREN’S charity to manipulate another person on the internet isn’t going to attract (or deserve) worthwhile people in their own lives. I certainly wouldn’t respect anyone who would do that.

    Again, I applaud your kindness and generosity, and hope Shoppers (and the hospital) read this to know what kind of a person you really are.

  12. 0

    AppleMama says...

    @jssica - it is very noble of you to make donations to SICK CHILDRENS HOSPITAL FOUNDATION, especially since you need to rely on coupon savings to afford the donations.

    I applaud your generosity and compassion, and for the cynical haters - I do not doubt for a second that she actually does track the money she saved using coupons and donates all of it to the hospital. It would be exceptionally despicable and repulsive for a person to lie about something like that - just to make someone else feel guilty. I can’t imagine the worthless loser human beings surrounding said person, because we are all old enough to know that you reap what you sow - a selfish liar who would exploit a CHILDREN’S charity to manipulate another person on the internet isn’t going to attract (or deserve) worthwhile people in their own lives. I certainly wouldn’t respect anyone who would do that.

    Again, I applaud your kindness and generosity, and hope Shoppers (and the hospital) read this to know what kind of a person you really are.

  13. 0

    CheapNCheeky says...

    Isn’t everyone on SC cheap? Isn’t that the whole premise of this website…to save a buck? Yeah I’m cheap and I’m proud of it. Why would I pay $1 if I can get away with pay nothing? If you’re gonna be rude to the people trying to save a buck, then why are you even on here?

  14. 0

    Sushal says...

    Tried to use the softlips $2 coupon at Shopper yesterday and was told that store was not taking any printable coupons at all.

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    tap87 says...

    I work at Shoppers Drug Mart so I can clear this up a bit. We cannot accept coupons like that because the system does not allow us to since you have not spent at least the amount of the coupon. Unless we change and increase the price of the item through the cash register, it cannot be done. Our paperwork is collected and checked at head office and so they said no to you because we would be the ones to blame if they noticed we increased the price of the item so the coupon would work. If you really want to use the coupon, get the cashier to charge you for a 5 cent bag to put your toothpaste in. That will bring it up over $1. Otherwise, buy your toothpaste elsewhere.

    Sushal, we do not accept any printable coupons whatsoever. I am not entirely sure of the reasoning behind this but I know we have been told by head office to not accept them.

    CheapNCheaky, assuming the coupon would work, you still have to pay the tax. Nothing is ever “free”.

  16. 0

    freebies258 says...

    i had the same experience with the sunlight detergent at sdm. they won’t accept my $1 off coupon. the cashier said the detergent is $0.99 and cannot take the coupon with a great value than the sale price. i guess it depends on the cashier…oh well…

  17. 0

    Ashley says...

    There’s a difference between being cheap and being thrifty. Here at SC I think the majority of us are all thrifty. We use coupons to save money and a lot of us then use our thriftiness to donate and spread our good fortune to those who need it most.

    The comment that was made about being cheap was rude and it looks like it was intended that way. OP if you can save $1 every time you buy a product you need using coupons then you’ll have the last laugh!

  18. 0

    Barb says...

    I have had issues recently at one Shoppers. I just don’t go there anymore. My local one has no problem accepting printed coupons.

    To Mr. Ignormus above. Really?! The only thing reeking of cheep on this post is your comment. If that was the attitude of all of us using coupons, what the h*ll would the point be? Using coupons well and saving thousands a year in the process takes smarts, being extremely organized and a lot of dedication. You do realize what site you’re on, right? OH…my bad…you meant to land on the site “dumbcanucks”, not “smartcanucks”. Hopefully by now you have realized your mistake and vamoosed!!

  19. 0

    BizarroJerry says...

    “I use coupons to save $ then make a yearly DONATION of my savings to SICK CHILDRENS HOSPITAL FOUNDATION. Hope you are proud of your comment now.”

    Haha, I like how your bring that up just to make yourself feel better.

  20. 0

    Joe Blow says...

    The only thing I see you guys sharing on here is a bunch of whining and crying about you shopping experiences. Truthfully I don’t see much exchanging of money saving tips as jssica suggests. Julian makes some good points. I think you need to get over yourselves.

  21. 0

    sinister says...

    Wow… and to think I was actually going to post something here about my savings. Not a chance now with the attitude of some people here, I thought this would be a fun forum but can clearly see now it’s just a volley match of disrespectful comments and not about saving anything.

    Have a great day.

  22. 0

    robbie says...

    i found a shoppers in downtown edmonton that will take my coupons after a bit of a fight & calling shoppers customer service. getting stuff for like nothing eg softlips sale $1.99 coupon $2.00 they changed coupon value to $1.99 we both win they make the sale with a bonus of getting a extra penny

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