Aeroplan Promotion - PINS Unclear

By Eternally hopefull one

I have tried several times to use the PINs printed on Tostito Chips to enter points for Aeroplan credit.  Repeatedly the PINs have been rejected.
The problem is that neither I nor my friends can decipher the PINs as printed on the packages.
I suggest the PINs be printed so that they can be read, or the whole silly contest be abandoned.

8 Responses to “Aeroplan Promotion - PINS Unclear”

  1. 0

    Kangarookid says...

    Hey Eternally hopeful one, I had the same trouble and could not read the faded pin #’s so I wrote the company that makes Tostitos and asked them why the pin #’s were not being accepted. They checked and replied with the correct pin #’s. I suggest you do the same.

  2. 0

    Ryan P Bryaniasen says...

    Racist comment deleted by Administrator

  3. 0

    Andie says...

    Ryan, how nice of you to bleep out a swear word, yet leave a racicst comment. Be aware that many have already lodged a complaint about this.

  4. 0

    Ali says...

    What disgusts me is that despite many complaints about the comment above, it still has not been removed

  5. Good site and good article.

  6. 0

    coupon girl says...

    i had a oatmeal box, that was hard to read some were letters were choppedin half called the company http://www.choose, they then called me back 2 days later with a new pin , no problem.

  7. 0

    channel jewelry says...

    I have tried several times to use the PINs printed on Tostito Chips to enter points for Aeroplan credit. Repeatedly the PINs have been rejected.

  8. 0

    cinny says...

    I had this happened and just called the Tostitos number on the bag and told them and they gave me another PIN. Very easy.

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