Poor Service From Primus Canada

By kathryn wentworth

I tried to cancel my primus long distance plan tonight. I have been on the phione continuously for 3 hours and still have not had any help. I managed to get help in the sales department within one minute and they refused to help me and put me back on the “hold”

This is shocking. I tried to cancel on line and they do not allow that option.


4 Responses to “Poor Service From Primus Canada”

  1. 0

    Just Saying says...

    Shocking? Really?
    Sounds like your average telecommunications company in Canada to me.

  2. 0

    Kevin says...

    I spent weeks trying to get Primus to cancel my service.

    They have by far the worst customer service of any company I’ve ever dealt with. I would never again give them a dime of business.

  3. 0

    linda says...

    My dad had a similar problem and went to downtown Toronto to deal with the head office and the real head office was somewhere else. He was put on a telephone in their office and they dealt with it there. If you have auto pay on to a credit card even worse for you. Your credit card company must have a deal with the phone companies because they will NOT cancel your payments to them. He paid for months more money than he should have because he could not cancel his phone….good luck to anyone who deals with Primus…the only prime person in this company is themselves

  4. 0

    jay says...

    pushy sales person signed me at COstco for phone and hi speed Dsl service. Poor service, internet did not work. I had hard time to cancel after three days. They kept on sending bills for few months after I switched the provider. Customer service has no clue what they are doing. Finally all was cleared after two months.

    Never again deal with these crooks.

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