Future Shop: Good Experience Buying Wireless Router

by bearbait

I’ve heard horror stories about Future Shop, but I’ve had good experiences there. Most recently, I went in to purchase a new wireless router. I was looking at a $120 unit but the salesperson asked me a few questions about my needs and recommended the $90 unit from the same manufacturer. He was able to explain why the more expensive unit had features my set up would not use.

Very nice experience.

2 Responses to “Future Shop: Good Experience Buying Wireless Router”

  1. 0

    Bill Russell says...

    Thank you for your comments. We have no let go of that employee and hope that satisfies you. Customers are always right!

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    Amy says...

    We recently bought a digital camera there, and the rep asked about our needs and helped us find a cheaper camera then we were looking at orignally because we didn’t need all the fancy smanzy stuff..He probably saved us $100.00 plus he gave us the memory card on sale even though the sale ended the day before.. Very good service..

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