By GPtech
I purchased a set of four tires from Walmart and was charged the 5.00 per tire eco fee for recycling.
I got home I realized they had placed the four old tires in my car.
I figure they would keep the $20 for themselves and I would have to pay the fee twice to dispose of them.
I am taking them back tomorrow and asking why they would try such a scam.
joseff says...
I don’t know about tires, but I know I get charged the eco fee for the item I’m purchasing. So for the new computer monitor, an eco-fee. For the new digital camera, an eco-fee.
Maybe it’s the eco-fee on your new tires?
Dawn says...
Yes it is just like to eco fee. you are charged for the “future” disposal of your tires you just bought, most companies give back your tires unless you tell them to dispose of them. When you take your old tires back they shouldn’t charge you anything. Good luck!
sookebunny says...
They have to charge it my husband works at automotive shop. You will always pay it.
Waldo Donner says...
Great job…Would love to do the same someday..