By Cj
I have had the absolute worst customer service experience ever with Virgin. I have been trying to get a phone that works almost a year and have been using an ugly red curve loaner phone . No one calls me back when they say they are going to from the Warranty dep. to the “take it to the top” dep. The last call from the complaints dep. basically told me too bad you are stuck with your situation and we will not do anything for us and then after I hung up on Peter (EX86447) he shut off my out going calls without any warning, something your company has done many times. All I want is a phone that works and any inkling of concern or actual solution based service. I am incredibly frustrated and angry by the perpetual pass the buck mentality of this company. All anyone has ever done is give me false promises and then charged me $450 on my account for a loaner phone I initially got for free. I am going to take this situation to the internet and tell as many people that will listen never to deal with this horribly inept and uncaring company.